Wednesday, December 24, 2014

34. Thailand Royal Palace

Royal Palace

Transmission Facility

33. Spain Bus

Bus roof

32. Spain

Golf clubhouse


31. Refrigerated Warehouse Test in Philiippine

Attic temperature difference

136.4°F (58℃) to 102.7°F (39.3℃)

30. External Hut Test in India

The results of Test construction showed -9°F (-5℃) average temperature difference.

105.8°F (41℃)  to 96.8°F (36℃)

Huts in India

Month :        Uncoated                  Gaina Outside coated        Temperature difference

June :           120°F (48.9℃)          115.2°F (46.2℃)               -4.8°F (2.7℃)

July :            103.1°F (39.5℃)        95.9°F (35.5℃)                -7.2°F (4℃)

August :        106.2°F (41.2℃)        98.4°F (36.9℃)                -7.8°F (4.3℃)

September :  102°F (38.9℃)           95°F (35℃)                     -7°F (3.9℃)

Friday, November 7, 2014

29. Gas Station

The following is an article about a gas station in Japan that combines creative architecture and eco-compatible technology. This design would be an ideal housing solution. This gas station is built in a tsunami zone, making it a viable option for the coastal communities in the Northwest.


Satoumi Gas Station
Region :  Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture Japan
Application : Inside

Friday, October 17, 2014

28. Refrigerated Warehouse (MASKAR)

Qatar Friendship Fund supported a $24.3 million multifunctional fish processing plant.

Region : Onagawa Miyagi prefecture, Japan
Gaina Applied : Roof & Outside wall
Building facing the Onagawa Bay

Received Good Design Award 2013

This well-known building is known by the slogan "Catch pikes in the fall of 2012." The town Fisheries of Onagawa were planned as a construction innovation. They included a completely refrigerated warehouse.

Designed for Tsunami protection
When a Tsunami hits the building, ALC panel of the first floor out and only pillars remain to minimize the power of the tsunami. Gaina protected the second floor which had 6000 tons of refrigerated storage capacity
2nd floor Refrigerator room

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

27. Childre's Community Center

Structural Reinforcement
Kodomo no Minna no Ie
Region : Higashimatsushima, Miyagi Prefecture Japan
Designer  Toyo Ito & Maki Onishi


Gaina Application - Exterior & Interior

Structural reinforcement against earthquakes
 Architectural hardware sponsorship offer

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

26. Gas Holder (9°F dropped )

To suppress the temperature rise Butane Gas in the tank
Exterior Coat : 9688 ft2  (900 m2)
Color : N-95

Temperature dropped 9°F (5°C) on average.

25. Chemical Tank (temperature dropped)

Chiba-shi Chiba prefecture, Japan
Bullet Tank
Control raising temperatures in chemical holding tank.
Exterior Coat : Bullet Tank 1076 ft2  (100 m2), Tank top 1776 ft2  (165 m2)
Color : N-95


Result: Levels stayed within safe perameters once coated with Gaina.
Tank Top

24. Chemical (coagulant) Tank

Shimonoseki-shi Yamaguchi prefecture, Japan
Coagulant tanks
Purpose: Control rising temperatures in coagulant storage tank in a water purification plant.

Exterior Coat : 1292 ft2  (120 m2)
Color : 62-80H

23. Gas Holder

Imabari-shi in Ehime Prefecture, Japan
LP Gas Holders
To maintain a constant temperature of Liquefied Gas in the holder as much as possible.
Exterior Coat : 9042 ft2  (840 m2)
Color : 42-80D

Monday, October 13, 2014

22. University Joint Research in Tokyo Japan

Tokyo Metropolitan University
Energy Savings:
23% average throughout the year

Cost: $2 Million
Application: Roof, Outer & Inner wall
Duration: 4 years

Two identical homes were constructed. For comparison Gaina was applied to one home. The data on heating and cooling costs on both homes were collected and compared. The home with Gaina applied on it showed a significant decrease in energy costs.

Interior coating

Cooling Period (air conditioning)
   June 2nd to September 21st (112 days)
   Summer Months - 26.7% reduction

Heating Period
   October 28th to April 14th (169 days)
   Winter Months - 35.2% reduction

One must take into account the moderate temperature of the locale.
Please note, this experiment was conducted in a shaded area. If a test was conducted in a hot climate with direct sunlight, the effectiveness of the roof application would be more quantifiable.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Top Share 4 Consecutive Years in Japan

These charts show the overall shares in the eco-coating category.

Gaina is the product from Nisshin Sangyo Co. of Japan.

Nisshin Sangyo Co. (日進産業)has maintained its top share for the fourth year in a row.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

21. Tsunami Victims Community Center

Symbol of Reconstruction Assistance
Home for All

"Home for All" has been plan and build as the place Tunami victims get together casually incorporates suggestions of local.

Region : Rikuzentakada, Iwate Prefecture, Japan

Gaina Application : Exterior & Interior
Color : White (N-95)

The 13th International Architecture Exhibition Venice Biennale
"Home for All" design won the Golden Lion

20. Boarding Bridge temperature drop

Passenger Boarding Bridge

Application - Roof
     Region - Tokyo Japan
     Color - White (N-95)

     Surface temperature was significantly reduced

19. Auto Manufacturing Plants improve energy efficiency


 Roof - Inside
 Color - White (N-95)

No Applied
Applied Gaina

Results - Surface temperature was significantly reduced
     130.6 °F to 112.3 °F
       (54.8℃ to 44.6℃)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

18. HVAC saving $470 a month

Application - Restaurant HVAC units in Japan

Saving per day - 974 kWh > 898 kWh

 Monthly savings - $470 (47,000 yen per month reduction)

17. Smoking room improves

Nerima Ward Office in Tokyo
Ward Office Building
Smoking Room

     Application - Interior
     Region - Tokyo Japan
     Color White (N-95)
     Gaina was applied to 7 of 11 smoking rooms at Tokyo's Nerima Ward Office.
     "The smoking room environment really improved!"
     and other positive comments were received from ward residents.
     In particular, the 20th floor of the main building,
     where an observation lobby and restaurant are located,
     has become renowned as a place where all visitors can now relax and enjoy the scenery.

16. Top of Airport Shuttle: Lower the temperature

Kansai Airport Wing Shuttle (AGT) in Osaka prefecture Japan

Airport Shuttle

The roof of the Shuttle was treated with Gaina.

Gaina was chosen as a new technology to enhance air-conditioning efficiency and to enable energy savings.

     Temperatures under the roof have decreased from 134.6°F (57℃) to 116.6°F (47℃).

15. Museum: Safety of the national treasure

Todaiji Museum

     Application -  Interior
     Region - Nara Prefecture Japan
     Color - White (N-95)
     Safety of a national treasure
     Because of enormous air conditioning energy usage,
     need to reduce energy consumption by increasing the thermal insulation
     Preserving national treasures requires a large amount of energy for HVAC.
     This case sought to reduce energy consumption by increasing the amount of thermal insulation.
As a material that avoids condensation, Gaina has been carefully evaluated in-house for several years, and we have a high regard for its insulation properties, its ability to resist dirt, and its design characteristics. (Comments from chief designer)

14. Car carrier deck reduces 49°F

MOL Car Carrier

Overview - Temperature reduction for car carrier deck
     Applied - Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) 
     Region - Yamanashi Prefecture Japan
     Color - white (N-95)
     Gaina was formally employed in covering the deck of a large car carrier.
     Lower deck temperature decreased from 149°F (65℃) to 100°F (38℃)
     The internal work environment had been greatly improved

Previously workers were exposed to large amounts of UV. In one week, the thermal environment changed drastically, and after a careful examination of the product it was decided to make it a standard specification. (Comments from MOL supervisor)

13. 20% of Energy saving of a Grocery Store

Grocery Store
Grocery Supestore

Overview - Store Roof
     Installation - 2011 July-August
     Area - Fukushima Prefecture Japan
     Application - Roof 114,097 ft2 (10600㎡)
Appearance - Roof structure
      Galvalune, Air layer 39 in (1000mm), Glass wool 3.9 in (100mm), Drywall 0.37 in (9.5mm)
     Energy saving effect about 20% per year
     An annual economic effect of 7.1 million yen. (13yen/kWh equivalent)

Electric consumption

Before - Blue
After - Orange

12. Factory Roof Temperature Comparison

Industrial Factory Roof

Overview - Surface temperature comparison for factory roof
     Installation - 2010 September
     Application - Corrugated metal roof  30,548 ft2 (2838㎡) Folded-plate roof
     Region - Yamanashi Prefecture Japan
     Color - White (N-95)
     Surface temperature was significantly reduced

Not coated  134.6~143.6°F (57~ 62℃)
Coated         95~104°F (35~40℃)

Coated (front) & Not Coated (back)
Comparison of Temperature

11. Attic temperature reduced 35.1°F

Commercial Office & Warehouse

Overview - Coating on office & warehouse roofs
     Installation -  2010 June
     Application -  Metal plate roof 12,917 ft2(1200㎡)
     Region -  Okinawa Prefecture Japan
     Color -  White (N-95)

     Heat disposition changed
     Cooled down immediately after air conditioning turned on
Attic temperature reduced in Summer
     High: -35.1°F (-19.5℃)
       131.9°F to 96.8°F
         55.5℃ to 36.0℃
     Normal:  -10.6°F (-5.9)
        98.6°F to 88°F
        37.0℃ to 31.1℃

Weather 2010
     June 27th    High: 89.6°F (32℃)   Normal for day 84.2°F (29℃)
     July 17th     High: 90°F (32.2℃)   Normal for day 84.7°F (29.3℃)