Monday, October 13, 2014

22. University Joint Research in Tokyo Japan

Tokyo Metropolitan University
Energy Savings:
23% average throughout the year

Cost: $2 Million
Application: Roof, Outer & Inner wall
Duration: 4 years

Two identical homes were constructed. For comparison Gaina was applied to one home. The data on heating and cooling costs on both homes were collected and compared. The home with Gaina applied on it showed a significant decrease in energy costs.

Interior coating

Cooling Period (air conditioning)
   June 2nd to September 21st (112 days)
   Summer Months - 26.7% reduction

Heating Period
   October 28th to April 14th (169 days)
   Winter Months - 35.2% reduction

One must take into account the moderate temperature of the locale.
Please note, this experiment was conducted in a shaded area. If a test was conducted in a hot climate with direct sunlight, the effectiveness of the roof application would be more quantifiable.

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