Sunday, August 31, 2014

5. Electricity 50% reduction

Commercial 3-story Building

Overview - Repainting a 3 story building
     Installation - March 2009
     Applied - Concrete roof; exterior; some interior 4951.4 ft2 (460㎡)
     Region - Okinawa Prefecture Japan
     Color - White (N-95)
Results (Electric bill)
     Previous year's - $4,800
     After application - $2,500  (approx. 50% reduction)
     The building was not cold in winter even without a heater

Electricity cost difference

     Before - Blue

     After - Red

4. Cost reduction of $11,200 In the 4 months of summer

Commercial Casino
Overview - Reduce summer heat
     Installation -  June/2008
     Applied - Roof (30139 ft2800 ㎡)
     Region -  Saitama Prefecture Japan
     Color -  White (N-95)

     Both Aug. and Sept. experienced a 10% reduction
     Cost reduction of $11,200 In the 4 months of summer
     (1 kWh was about US $ 0.18)

Power consumption comparison

Blue - Aug
Orange - Sept

Upper - Before
Lower - After

3. Year-end cost reduction of over $14,500


Overview - reduce HVAC costs
      Installation -  June/2007
      Applied -  Roof (31645.9 ft2940 ㎡)
     Region -  Nagano Prefecture, Japan
     Color -  White (N-95)

     Summer -  Ceiling temperature decreased by 68°F (20℃)
     Summer/Winter - Air conditioning effectiveness increased

Year-end cost reduction of over $14,500

Electricity savings comparison
Summer vs. Winter
     Before - Orange
     After - Blue
Summer Reduction
     July - 15%
     Aug - 4%
Winter Reduction
     Nov - 19%
     Dec - 21%
     Jan - 16%

Saturday, August 30, 2014

2. Gaina Saved $77,000 in 2 years

Refrigerated Warehouse at Inland Industrial Park
Overview - Roof Coating
     Installation - May/2005
     Area - Shimane prefecture Japan
     Applied - Metal roof 40902.86 ft2 (3800㎡)
     color - White (N-95)
     Indoor temperature is lowered from 120°F  to 96.8°F  (49℃ to 36℃)
     Significantly reduces the cooling load on the refrigeration units
     Lower usage from 1815 kw to 1600 kw (peak hours)
     2 year total saving of US $77,000
 In 2005, the Director General was awarded for having contributed to such a large reduction in        energy costs.

Lower the temperature
Outside temperature 95°F (35℃)

Before - Inside temperature
     122~140°F (50~60℃)
After - Inside temperature
     96.8~104°F (36~40℃)

Before & After - Refrigerator temperature
     37.4~41°F (3~5℃)

1. Gaina Saved $85,000 in energy costs

Commercial Warehouse
Overview - Applied to an Apparel Warehouse
     Installation - May/2000
     Area - Saitama Prefecture Japan
     Applied - Metal roof  14,000 sqft (1,300㎡)
     Color - Light Blue (69-70L)

     In 10 years they have saved over $85,000 on energy costs
     Temperature of the second floor is 27 °F (15℃) lower
     Operation of the air conditioner is down to one from four
     No need to water the roof in summer
     Winter heating efficiency rose
     Prolonged cycle for re-painting