Thursday, March 26, 2015

37. Soundproof Case - 1

Accommodations located in Nagasaki Prefecture, Gonoura-cho, Japan.

Japanese Accommodation

Measuring the sound transfer in adjacent rooms using a tape recorder and an alarm clock.

a room
GAINA is applied on both sides of the wall between the adjacent rooms.


A sound meter is used to measure the noise levels before and after the application of GAINA.

Results from the meter: 

Tape Recorder
Recorded conversation

Before: 56 db  ~~  After: 50 db

Noise level decreased by 6 db.

Ringing alarm clock

Before: 45 db  ~~  After: 37 db

That's a decrease of 8 db.

Comments from experts:

Recorded conversation

Before: Hear human voices clearly with content.

          After: The conversation is muffled, we can no longer hear the content.

Ringing alarm clock

Before: Enough for the sound to be misunderstood as ringing in the same room.

          After: Sound considerably reduced.

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